Fables, Myths, and Fairy Tales
“Stories have to be told or they die, and when they die, we can’t remember who we are or why we’re here.” —Sue Monk Kidd
The Atlantic Harp Duo’s newest production brings to life a selection of the most timeless stories from our cultural heritage: classics such as Sleeping Beauty and Tom Thumb, morality tales of wolves and sheep, and myths from Ancient Greece. Harpists Marta Power and Elizabeth Jaxon offer audiences a rich combination of music and storytelling.
Among the musical works that illustrate these stories are several pieces which the Atlantic Harp Duo commissioned specially for the show. Together with the composers, the duo has crafted a soundscape that transports listeners into the fantastic worlds of our collective imagination.

Timeless Tales (35 mins)
Damien Luce (b. 1978)
- Fables by Jean de la Fontaine
Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)
- Mother Goose Suite (arr. Atlantic Harp Duo)
Ariadne Rediviva (45 mins)
Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
- Excerpts from Épigraphes Antiques (arr. Elisabeth Colard)
Stéphane Delplace (b. 1953)
- Minotaur*
R. Murray Schafer (b. 1933)
- Labyrinth Dance, from The Crown of Ariadne
Roger W. Petersen (b. 1976)
- Naxos and the Journey with Dia*
Franck Villard (b. 1966)
- Excerpts from Ariadne Theseo
Damien Luce (b. 1978)
- Bacchus*
Caroline Lizotte (b. 1969)
- Stellae Saltantem*
*Commissioned by the Atlantic Harp Duo